Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Toxicogenomics and Drug Monitoring, will be organized around the theme “Discoveries in Prediction of Toxicity and Drug Monitoring”
Toxicogenomics 2015 is comprised of 13 tracks and 52 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Toxicogenomics 2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Emerging concepts in toxicology
- Track 1-2Clinical Toxicology
- Track 1-3Mechanisms of Toxicity
- Track 1-4Alternative in Animal Models
- Track 1-5Regulatory Toxicology
- Track 1-6QSAR—A Tool for the Toxicologist
- Track 2-1Introduction to Toxicogenomics-Based Cellular Models
- Track 2-2Molecular mechanisms of developmental toxicity.
- Track 2-3Application of Toxicogenomics to prediction of the drug induced liver
- Track 2-4MIP-DILI | IMI
- Track 2-5Genotoxicity
- Track 2-6Pharmacogenomics and Drug Safety
- Track 3-1Transcriptional Profiling
- Track 3-2Translational Investigation of Drug Disposition in Children
- Track 3-3Omics based technologies for drug discovery and toxicity assessment
- Track 3-4Oxidative stress, DNA damage and repair and biological considerations
- Track 4-1Chronic biomarkers in disease screening and monitoring
- Track 4-2Biomarker Identification with toxicogenomics
- Track 4-3Functional biomarkers in major therapeutic areas
- Track 4-4Regulatory guidance for biomarkers
- Track 5-1Toxicogenomics, as a predictive tool
- Track 5-2High Content Screening
- Track 5-3New Therapeutic Targets in Drug Design/Discovery
- Track 5-4Application of Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Principles in optimizing drug delivery
- Track 5-5Stem cells (ECS & IPCS)in Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing
- Track 6-1Human Micro dosing and Beyond
- Track 6-2Cardiac Safety Simulator program
- Track 6-3Mechanistic Model of Drug-Induced Liver Injury in Predictive Toxicology
- Track 6-4High Content Analysis and Predictive Toxicity testing
- Track 7-1Applying Toxicogenomics in Pharmaceutical Safety Assessmen
- Track 7-2Tissue specific transcriptional responses to alkylating agents
- Track 7-3Genomics to evaluating mechanisms of genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
- Track 7-4Integrating Toxicogenomics into predictive & discovery toxicology
- Track 7-5Genomics in sports medicine
- Track 7-6Organ slices for the evaluation of human drug toxicity
- Track 8-1Metrics of Quantitative Approach of Genotoxicity
- Track 8-2Quantitative Approach of Genotoxicity for Risk Assessment
- Track 8-3Genetic Susceptibility to Disease
- Track 8-4Level of Concern for Genotoxic Carcinogens at Human Relevant Exposure
- Track 9-1Introduction and Overview of AOPs
- Track 9-2Development, Testing, and Applying AOPs to Risk Assessment
- Track 9-3Mutagenic Mode-of-Action in Cancer
- Track 9-4Incorporation of epigenetics in AOPs
- Track 12-1Validating Toxicogenomics Assays
- Track 12-2Translational Models I
- Track 12-3Aquatic Model Genomes
- Track 12-4Regenerative Models
- Track 12-5Cancer Models
- Track 12-6Developmental Disease Models
- Track 12-7Infectious Disease Models
- Track 12-8Models of Aging
- Track 12-9Metabolic Disease Models